Back to tantangan tantangan KBB#15, dari baca surcin nya aja udah exited bgt coz resepnya abaout chocolate. waaahhh aciiikk... KBB#15 Mud Cake Cookies Shandwithes adalah tantangan kali ini, ada beberapa step pembuatan yaitu membuat mud cake, cookie and gananche. Sedikit repot sich, tapi hasil akhirnya Mmmm.... Bayangin ada dr mud cake, cookies and ganache nya full chocolate... it's very tasty for a chocoholic like me n my baby...

Tapiii... ada kesalahan membaca resep nich (ginilah klo bikin di hari2 terakhir hehe..). diriku bikin untuk 1/2 resep yang seharusnya cookie jadi untuk 24 buah, tapi diriku cmn jadi 12 buah, alhasil cookie nya jadi gede-gede n tebel bgt. trus mud cake dibikin pake loyang buat kue kering (yg panjang n lebar bgt itu loh) jadinya ketipisan n dyudah dikeluarin. untung mud cake ini ditaro di tengah2 cookie jd nga keliatan deh hehe.. (ngeles.com bgt yaa..)

Comment yg makan :
- My hubby bilang enyak bgt, tp kok gede bgt yaa huahuahua...
- my baby, ini sich jgn ditanya deh langsung abis 1 loh (laper apa doyang hun..)
- my mom n dah said enak loh tp kegedean dikit yaa.. (yayaya... I Know.. bkn dikit kali tp bgt hehehe...)
- comment qu, eeennyyaaakkkk bgt... cookie nya renyah n nga rapuh, mud cakenya enyak ada rasa-rasa coffenya gitu, ganancenya coklat bgt deg..

Kebetulan pas bikin ini pas my hubby birthday, so kupersembahkan this mud cake cookie sandwiches for him.. semoga panjang umur, dimudahkan rizkinya, diberikan kesuksesan dalam hidupnya, tambah sayang sm keluarga n all the best wish for him. Haaapppyy birthdaaayy hubby....
for recepies :
Resep KBB#15: Mud Cake Cookie Sandwiches
Source: The Australian Women's Weekly: cupcakes, cheesecake, cookies. ACP Magazine Ltd. 2008- Preheat oven to 170C/150C fan-forced. Grease two 20cm x 30cm lamington pans; line with a strip of baking paper, extending paper 2cm above edges of pans.
- Make chocolate mud cake.
- Make chocolate ganache.
- Beat butter, sugar and eggs in small bowl with electric mixer until combined. Transfer mixture to large bowl; stir in sifted flours and cocoa, in two batches. Knead dough on floured surface until smooth; divide in half, roll each portion between sheets of baking paper until 5mm thick. Cover; refrigerate 30 minutes.
- Preheat oven to 180C/160C fan-forced. Grease oven trays; line with baking paper.
- Using 6.5cm round cutter, cut 48 rounds from dough. Place about 3cm apart on oven trays. Bake about 12 minutes. Cool on wire racks.
- Spread ganache onto underside of cookies; sandwich a mud cake round between two cookies.
- Using heart template, dust cookies with extra cocoa.